Sunday, 1 November 2009

Salcombe's Quba Sails to Provide Furnishings at New South Sands Hotel

A little birdy tells me that Quba Sails are to Provide Furnishings at the new South Sands Hotel.

The hotel which which will reopen in Spring 2010, although the Spa isn't likely to open until later in the year, aims to be provide what Salcombe has been lacking since the Marine Hotel began to fall into disrepair.

The location is stunning, I can't think of many hotels that actually front onto the beach!? The sailing, surfing and kyaking available at South Sands through Salcombe Water Sports also provides an excellent value add to the hotel and with unrivaled walks available at Bolt Head, just up the hill, this hotel if the actual delivery lives up to the hype should be superb and another string in Salcombe's mighty bow!

Photos of hotel development...


Anonymous said...

Great news, I wish the owners all the luck in the world, its what Salcombe has been missing since the old South Sands hotel closed, ? years ago.
I remember sitting outside eating cream teas and ice cream as a young child in the late sixties and seventies, with a beach full of dinghies belonging to the guests, fantastic memories.

I hope the Marine follows suit and reopen's as a high end hotel, as without them the town is not quite the same.

salcombebloke said...

Good to see the South Sands hotel progress, and the classy new look. Bound to be a hit with the more affluent Salcombe afficionados. Overall visitor numbers for 2010 already look good according to the main 2 letting agents websites, and this will assist more money flowing into the local economy. I also hope the Marine comes back to life soon.

00kevin said...

Will we all be sat about on chairs covered in sailcloth, eating at a sailcloth covered table, with sailcloth sheets on the bed?.....What about the Russians, they won't like it.

Liz said...

Excellent - can only be good for Salcombe and the economy!!

Anonymous said...

Its good to read in this weeks paper that the Marine is reopening in 2010 as the "Salcombe Harbour Hotel".

I hope the new owners appreciate Salcombe and invest whats needed to bring it back to it's glory days as theres alot of work needed and we don't want it sat there for another 5 years while some get rich quick Charlie trys to reinvent it for their own selfish gains.

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