I posted a blog a few months back with a link to a No 10 petition to stop the social housing, hardly anyone signed up. All I can think is that locals don't want their name put to the petition for fear of people forming a view about them? I appreciate it's contentious but unless we are willing to stand up and be counted how do we expect people to take notice?
No 10 Petition...
I have also added the discussion into a document. It would be great to get some momentum behind this!
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Salcombe Social Housing Discussion
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Thursday, November 19, 2009
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Anyway who says the locals want affordable housing as even with so called "affordable" housing the average salary in Salcombe can't be more than £12k a year so the house prices are still way out of most peoples range...hence they will become housing for all sorts of undesireables who want a cosy life by the sea rather than having to work for a living.
You get from this life what you put in...and if you don't put in you don't get to live in Salcombe.
There are plenty of people who I went to Salcombe Primary with who now live in Malborough or Kingsbridge and actually just work in Salcombe and are more than happy to leave the summer madness behind. Plus their parents cashed and moved out of Saclombe too...
How many businesses would survive in Salcombe without the second home owner or summer trade.
Social housing in an ill thought out manner jeopardises all this!
Well said.
Im a second home owner and I have many many friends who are true local people, going back generations and most of them say the the same thing, no one has a god given right to live anywhere, least of all Salcombe.
People shouldn't expect to sit at home claiming housing, unemployment and any other kind of benefit you care to mention just because they come from Salcombe and can't find work.
If you are young enough and fit enough it's time to consider your options because forcing second home owners & tourism away by over development will only make things worse!
People who already work in and around Salcombe, along with the elderly who have always lived here should be given priority on the housing list.
If what we have read is true and there are people who have been moved here from Coventry amongst other places, we wouldnt need extra housing or not as much?
The recommendations of the report is that there will be a demand for 20 dwellings over 5 years and that 12 of them are for singles and couples.
The LDF Core strategy requires 50 homes but if we offset the existing Bonfire Hill development, this leaves an outstanding requirement of 17.
Bear in mind that a Developer (like at Bonfire Hill) will look to build 10 extra homes to sell for every 20 affordable homes.
The good news is that there is absolutely no reason to build more than 20 affordable homes.
I hope that Salcombe Council and SHDC recognise this.
Also 12 of them could be flats, and to my eye the old gas works site looks perfect. This leaves 8 houses, which could be on the remaining land of the Bonfire Hill scheme ... or on the park and ride and move the park and ride to behind the garage?
An extract from the Salcombe Town Council website -
Salcombe Town Council's community engagement activities have been brought together into one overarching strategy for the town and, as a result, we are aiming to better coordinate how we engage with all communities within the geographical area of Salcombe Town - based on our belief that:
■All people within Salcombe community should be involved in the decisions that affect them
Lets hope they keep to it??
00 Devon,
Please could you take all the comments including the people who made them, from the "Cable Cottage" blog with reference to the affordable housing debacle, and place them under your new heading of "Salcombe Social Housing Discussion" that you have set up.
It would then allow us locals to read about the exciting Cable cottage news.
Looks like you have a blogger who cant get an erection.
Do not click on the links above.
00Devon you need to set up something to block this spammer
Lets not start this one again it cuts both ways but -
I appreciate alot of original Salcombe folk would like to see every house occupied by local people 24/7 but in reality thats not going to happen but had they not been so eager to take the money on offer over the last 30 years or so it could have been?
"You can't have your cake and eat it" springs to mind.
"had they not been so eager to take the money on offer over the last 30 years"
Well said. At last, a comment made on logic and facts.
Which brings us to the question of why those who sold up should expect us to bend over backwards to provide affordable local housing for their children at the expense of our environment... Which is exactly what has happened at East Portlemouth!
Even without the influx of second home owners, do local people really think house prices in the SW area would still be at 1970's and 80's rates. Im sorry but housing inflation is prevalent throughout the UK and hasn't singled out the SW for special treatment. I would imagine there are quite a few people who would not be in a position to a buy a house regardless of market forces and use use second home owners to vent their frustration?
I grew up in Salcombe and now live in London, there is not a chance I could afford to move back to Salcombe. I would love to but there is not a job within 150 miles that would pay enough for me to be able to afford a house in Salcombe...so why should I be any different to anyone else who grew up in Salcombe, if you have to move to afford a house or get a decent job then so be it. THATS LIFE!
Wouldn't life be great if we didn't have to make sacrifices...
I now have to make do with visiting Salcombe whenever I can. But I still don't feel that I have a god given right to live in Salcombe.
Have people seen the "Housing Needs Survey" results on the Salcombe Town Council website.
Whats the opinion on the reports recommendation for 24 social housing units?
Based upon the survey on this site:
Is the "Strategic Housing Plan" good for Salcombe?
7% 7 people voted for
93% 93 people voted against the above.
Understandable, considering that there are not enough jobs in Salcombe to even house the locals who are actually living here already!
Come off of it Salcombe Council, stop trying to deceive everybody in Salcombe of your alterior motives!
On the basis there are more houses than jobs, why do we need 24 more?
All that will do is further degrade an AONB which in turn may affect Tourism and diminish Salcombe's economic plight?
There are enough overseas workers taking up positions in the UK, people will have to move to find jobs, in turn this free's up the houses needed for the elderly and vulnerable, BUT its a massive problem not easily solved without some tough policies!
No planning application is in place, so any lobbying has limited value, although the Shadycombe site has recently been cleared.
When an application is submitted I hope that the Salcombe Blog will be a mustering point for anyone who does not want this scheme to happen.
The Town Council is not effective, I doubt if Totnes will take any notice of the views of the TC. Two of its more savy members have resigned which concerns me. Almost all of the Town Councillors have an interest, in that they live on Beadon, so favour the Shadycombe site.
I have real concerns that the building of any affordable housing will encourage outsiders to move in and further depress the job market for locals.
No one has clarified what number of affordable houses is required by government, or whether any are required in Salcombe.
Anonymous who now lives in London makes a key point. Also the villages around Modbury, Kingsbridge, Morleigh etc. are far more affordable than living in Salcombe and offer a practical alternative for affordable living.
BE WARNED EVERYBODY..........The 'affordable housing' at the top of Salcombe wasnt really needed as living in Salcombe is not a necessesity if you work in Salcombe. Have any of the so called locals heard of commuting for Gods sake!!!!! There are available house in Kingsbridge where that small town has been ruined by cheapish homes!
The so called locals (whereby most of them are not infact local but moved here from further afar for an easy life) think that they should be given everything on a plate, cheap housing benefits, cheaper council tax, even better if you are pregnant!!!.
Get off your asses and find jobs that pay as everybody else has to!
INFACT, some of the people living in the affordable housing from what I have read on this blog have been sent down from Coventry to start a new life......NOW SOMETHING SMELLS FISHY TO ME.
More affordable housing should be delayed as it is not needed. End of!.....Look at the new housing allocation and see how much it is going to ruin the most beautiful parts of Salcombe.
If I can get a sea view without working hard, Im selling up my holiday home moving to Salcombe, getting my girlfriend pregnant and claiming poverty. Job done
Who ever commented regarding:
Is the "Strategic Housing Plan" good for Salcombe?
The results they put were incorrect.
They are:
Yes 10 (7%)
No 119 (92%)
So, it looks like the general conscensus is that 'the people' have spoken and do not want affordable housing spoiling this area of natural beauty.
According to the survey results found on the Salcombe Town Council website, of the 580 (34.1%) respondents, 81% of people were in favour of a small local housing development. Of these returns, 82% were main home owners & 89% were second home owners??
Surprising results when you consider whats written on here?
Not really that surprising, the questionaire was loaded toward indicating a need for affordable housing, and comes on the heels of a lot of groundwork by prospective developers.
I don't think many people would object to very controlled development for locals, particularly if this used infill sites like the Bury and the land between Main Road and the existing affordable housing.
Two other thoughts, if the council hadn't sold off council houses this would not be a problem.
It is very probable that future housing will be on land sold off by the council a few years ago!
Of the approx 1700 homes in Salcombe 72% or so either did not reply or were not in favour.
I appreciate the Council cannot do much more than send the survey out but thats not democracy!
Sorry but if the council force this kind of planning through on the basis that 28% of residence may be in favour of the "small development" they should all resign without question.
Well said.
Any suggestions on how to get a "true" council survey including the second home people who were not able to comment through being unavailable or not receiving the form to give a "true" reading of how people feel about the unnecessary over development of Salcombe.
Are there any Councillors amongst us who fully understand the workings of Council office and what mandates can and cannot be proposed? i.e setting the minimum level of acceptance at 51% for any new social housing to be agreed? At the end of the day councils should represent the people!
I just throw this in to further stimulate comment - there is clearly a load of passion on this subject... as is always, wherever you live. If some of the 'anonymous' writers are really that passionate about Salcombe and the effects that Social Housing MAY have - why not stand for Council - as rightly pointed out, there are vacancies....???
Just a thought.....
People shouldn't expect to sit at home claiming housing, unemployment and any other kind of benefit you care to mention just because they come from Salcombe and can't find work.
That's correct!
As there are so many people who post here as gutless anonymous persons it is difficult to reply. However, I would like to correct one person who stated that most of the Town Council reside on Beedon. Three out of twelve is hardly "most" by anyones book ? In fact, two of those three have resigned, a new one has joined so it is now two out of twelve. Hardly "most" Sir or Madam.
Its 'Beadon' estate by the way!
By the way, unless you put up a picture of yourself and your real name, your nickname 'Correcter' is as anonymous as 'Anonymous' so I would not complain really!
Should have read 'Corrector'
Still ..... I guess you agreed by default about my pointing out your definition of " most" ?
This started out as a reasoned debate on the housing issues in Salcombe which effect all of us, good and bad.
I can only guess that who ever "corrector" is, they have links with the council? In which case god have mercy on Salcombe if all they can be worried about is who lives where amongst them.
Why dont they start addressing the real issues i.e Salcombe going down the pan as and when its turned into an unwanted and from what Im told unneeded council estate for imported chav scroungers from around the UK.
Glad to see people making a stand against 'our' town being ruined by the government and the local councils.
Follow this link to the 'South Hams Society' who are making a VERY STRONG point AGAINST another housing estate!
very informative site, thankyou
If we aren't careful Salcombe will be over-run with yobbo's, undesirables from all walks of life, falling out of the pubs, half naked, spewing all over the streets. Teeming with litter and over-run with cars and loud speakers blaring.
...Oh Yeah, isn't that what Salcombe becomes in the Summer anyway?!
The difference being they may be ‘Yobbo’s’ with money.
If the 'rich kids' don't want to see Salcombe change, then they need to realise they could be part of the problem?
The phrase 'You can't have your cake and eat it' comes to mind.
You take away people’s means of shelter and what is the consequence...
"The difference being they may be ‘Yobbo’s’ with money.
If the 'rich kids' don't want to see Salcombe change, then they need to realise they could be part of the problem?
The phrase 'You can't have your cake and eat it' comes to mind.
You take away people’s means of shelter and what is the consequence..."
The people up in arms about all this are not targeting hard working locals who do need shelter, and by local I mean south of Kingsbridge.
Its all about the people who have no links with the area and decided it was better to sit on their lazy worthless backsides in an ANOB and claim benefit rather than the town they originate from.
Regarding the "rich yobbos", yes they are selfish at best and rude arrogant self opinionated hoorays at worst but I know which type of yobbo I would rather have if any and thats not the type which will rocket Salcombe's crime rate with burglary, graffiti, intimidation of the elderly, car theft, drugs, knife crime, rape, murder etc etc.
Don't think it wont happen, you only have to look at Plymouth and Torbay to see its just around the corner!
You take away people’s means of shelter and what is the consequence...
Regarding having your cake and eat it, I think someone has already touched on this on an earlier post?
2nd home owners did not take away your means of shelter, generations of people throughout the SW chose to SELL their homes to the highest bidder and the council chose to sell off the housing stock set aside for people less fortunate.
Interesting website for all you Salcombe Locals and Yokels
To the people who wrote the two comments above... WELL SAID.
Salcombe is reassuringly expensive to keep the lazy scroungers out.
Nobody has a given right to live in Salcombe!
As it is anywhere in the civilised world you have to work to get what you want!
Let us not allow the 'GET A KID GET A HOUSE' scrounger brigade of the inner cities culture ruin what is left of a beautiful town.
Peace and love everyone
There is one angle which has not been touched on, which is, there are quite a number of people from in and around Salcombe who cannot find work all year around and through no fault of their own simply cannot afford to buy a home. They cannot move away to another area because house prices are equally as high wherever you go and if they are more affordable, it usually goes hand in hand with no jobs.
So their only option like many children up and down the UK is to stay at home with Mum & Dad.
These people along with the elderly and indigenous population should be catered for. Outside of this group the others should either commute or be forced to move to other areas providing council type housing but we should not ruin a beautiful area so lazy migrants can claim housing and benefits in Salcombe!
Lovely........"but we should not ruin a beautiful area so lazy migrants can claim housing and benefits in Salcombe!"
Dearest sir, I am keepin my eye on this so I can get my name on the list.You can send me details at 23 entenbe road Lagos 23782. thankin you sir. Joseph
Correct me if Im wrong but the word used was migrant not immigrant?
In fact some of our immigrant friends would be preferable to Mr & Mrs Chav with their 10 drug pusher kids moving in from the Inner city.
Not that Im stereotyping all Inner city people.
Thank u ;-) look at that emo boy hair at this blog:
My family have been visiting Salcombe for many, many years and we also have relatives that reside in the town.
What I fail to understand is that Salcombe and its surrounds are listed as 'areas of outstanding natural beauty' - why on earth, therfore, are there plans to build on such spectacular countryside and ruin completely what Salcombe is all about.
Although "outsiders" aren't happy with the high property prices within the town - it is exactly that which has kept Salcombe how it is - an unspoiled, traditional and beautifal seaside town.
I fear that if this plan is successful and goes ahead, then the beautiful town of Salcombe which we all love will just become a number on the long list of cheap & tacky seaside towns such as Brighton - filled with delinquents, spongers and social rejects that have no consideration for the local way of life and the income brought by tourism!
Hm hm.. that's amazing but frankly i have a hard time understanding it... I'm wondering what others have to say....
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