Wednesday 17 February 2010

New Bar for Salcombe

Salcombe will have a new bar/grill from Easter this year. The old Oyster Shack is currently becoming "Island Street Bar & Grill" thanks to Mark form the Winking Prawn. The bar sounds like it will be a decent place with a juke box and live music and hopefully not too "Rupert & Henrietta" in ambiance!

If this place is up to the standards of the brilliant Winking Prawn then it could be a great addition to Salcombe.

The new web site will be here soon:


Anonymous said...

Bound to attracts Hoorays and even royalty if they have a duke box?

Liz said...
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Liz said...

Great news for Salcombe - and a welcome change! If Winking Prawn are behind it then it should be a great addition to existing 'entertainment'....... Fabulous!!

Liz x

OOdevon said...

Anon you may scoff but back in the hey days of the Ferry the "Duke Box" was central to he fantastic atmosphere and just about every night in August happy drunken renditions of "American Pie" and "Hotel California" could be heard drifting up the Ferry steps...great days!

Anonymous said...

Anon is just another grumpy old local who is pissed off that they didnt make a financial success of their lives and is stuck in their crappy council house whinging. Should have been working instead of slacking on the beach eh... LOL

Liz said...

I really think it will be great for Salcombe - I'd love somewhere that we could have a night off and do something really different in a place with a great atmosphere! Also within staggering distance home! Yay!!!


ookevin said...

Wasn't the first anonymous in these comments being ironic about the duke box which was probably a juke box? Ho Ho!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The irony is that the same people who feel able to lambaste someone for their spelling also feels that grammar is misplaced on the internet.

As was stated a few posts beforehand the use of Duke instead of Juke was probably intentional and therefore your use of capitals for the entire post wasn't necessary.

"Anon is just another grumpy old local who is pissed off that they didnt make a financial success of their lives and is stuck in their crappy council house whinging. Should have been working instead of slacking on the beach eh... LOL"
-why don't you get off your high horse (probably one bought on daddy's credit card) the majority of people who come to salcombe have inherited money, not enough to actually be considered rich mind you just enough to feel they have a right to come to salcombe buy a second home then complain the entire time they are here. Well guess what it makes you no better then someone living on benefits, just another lazy bastard who now has a step ladder permanently placed on his feet to look down on people. Next time you come to salcombe you would do well to remember that local people are not here to be your servants and therefore will not accept you talking down to them , you on the other hand are here to line our pockets for a few weeks so we can afford to live in such an amazing area all year round whilst you have to slave away in a job (if you actually work for your money) that in all honesty a monkey could do in its sleep - no there is no way you could make an office job sound so important you have the right to slag others off so dont even try :P

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